Rollout of Fibre Broadband across London since 2018
We work with a number of commercial fibre broadband providers to support their rollout across London and into Council boroughs.
Our role has been varied across the boroughs but has included:
Development of an invitation to wayleave exercise including all legal documentation, engaging with commercial providers, engaging with council departments – to ensure a fit for purpose pack that will meet the needs of the borough residents, the council, and commercial organisations.
Coordinating the proposed installations with the relevant (org) teams, including housing resident engagement, Health and Safety teams; and Community Fire management teams.
Ensuring all documentation presented is complaint with (org) requirements and adheres to the wayleave.
Operating a programme management framework.
Managing the installation program on a day-to-day basis.
Acting as first point of contact for any resident engagement.
Undertaking site visits to ensure compliance.
Providing input into any direct requests from (org) for reports, briefings or responses to time-bound enquiries such as enquiries and complaints.
Providing weekly progress reports.
Facilitating compliant process.
During our time in this role, we have gained experience in working with legal and council documents and processes. Whilst working to and delivering clear objectives of a programme, we have developed engagement plans to meet and deliver a complex programme across residents and council departments. Additionally, we have dealt with hard-to-reach groups and finding innovative ways of sharing information with them.
If you would like any further information on this or any other project, please get in touch.